Monday, February 24, 2025

Last Planning Post

    Ok, so we have to do one last planning post before the ultimate quad production postings. The thing is, we already finished production over the weekend. We were surprisingly efficient and got it done in one day. We only needed to shoot at two locations after all... I guess I will speak about some preparations we made before the actual shoot, so let's get into it.

Preparing the Set

    I am going to keep it a hundred, I did not really help actually put together the set. That credit goes to the group member whose house we were shooting at. She sent us what she had put together the day before we shot it to the group chat, and this is what it was.

    I do not really have much else to add to this part, only that the blinds ended up being fully utilized so we don't see a backyard in a therapist's office, and we made sure to have a good bright white light (try saying that ten times fast) for filming.

When To Shoot?

    Once finishing the script on Friday, we were ready for production. The only big thing that was left was to pick a date and time for it. We were originally going to shoot it next weekend (so on the 1st or 2nd), but one of our members could not do it then. We ended up deciding to just shoot it this last weekend since we all were available then. We decided to shoot on Sunday at 1:30pm since our project required it to be daytime and we needed plenty of time to film before it got too dark. The only thing for me is my body loves to sleep for long periods of time, sometimes lasting 12+ hours. This combined with my terrible sleep schedule usually results in me waking up past noon on the weekends. This time I had to get my act together though, and I ended up waking up on time to get ready. I am really proud of myself since I woke up at 11am, two and a half hours before shooting began.

T. Jacobs Rebranding

    Hey, so you know how I said T. Jacobs would dress in somewhat professional clothing. That may have been a lie. The day we were going to shoot I opened my closet door to see absolutely ZERO business casual shirts to wear. That was the moment when we decided to rebrand him into a really chill guy. In my mind, the rebranding of his character went as follows.
    T. Jacobs had great success with his single, "Very Wild Thing" and got decently rich. He was then irresponsible with his money and stopped making music after being a sensation. He hated the absence of privacy in his daily life. He began to gamble his money away and get into drugs. That was before he found a good therapist who would help him through this dark time in his life. The therapist felt sympathy for him, and understanding his economic situation, offered to hire him as an assistant for the office. (obviously, this therapist was not Schultz, but another one working at the same office) This job helped him get back on track, and he left the drug use behind in search of a better future. Therapy really helped him, and this new job didn't really require any prior experience since it was just moving things around and delivering files across the building. He has a relatively calm personality now and has newfound happiness and complacency within his new life. Now that is what I call a character arc.
    With this rebranding, I now have some clothes that would fit this change of character. We thought to ourselves, "What would a chill guy wear?". Soon after saying that, it was like a switch went off in our minds, and we remembered a meme of a character named Chill Guy who went viral on the internet earlier this school year.

This is a picture of him for reference.

I immediately found something similar to this type of vibe and ended up wearing this for the shoot.

    This planning post was all over the place, but I hope it gave context to some of the problems and solutions we had in the unexpectedly short lead-up to production.

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CCR Production Idea

    In this post I will finally share my idea for the CCR. I have been pretty excited to write out this idea, since it has been in my head f...