Friday, August 30, 2024

Shots/Angles Quiz Reflection

    The first quiz for this course was a shots and angles quiz. This quiz was not like your typical quiz, however. Instead of being multiple choice or short response questions, we had to create a story about one or two inanimate objects. These inanimate objects would be the characters of this story and throughout it we were required to use a specific variety of shots and angles we had learned about in the class before. It was to have 15 shots - 10 preselected shots/angles as well as 5 that we could pick ourselves. These guidelines would allow for creative freedom whilst assessing our knowledge on what we have learned so far. We were allowed to pick a partner so I worked with the person sitting next to me.
    My partner and I began to brainstorm immediately. I had suggested a story about a pencil and a pencil case, but my partner had a more unique idea. She had a Celsius energy drink and thought we could use that for the story. I looked around, seeing if anybody else had a similar idea. Upon seeing nobody else doing so, I agreed that using the Celsius as the main character would add uniqueness to our story. Then came the actual story. We were originally going to have it being passed around at a party, slowly deteriorating throughout, but decided that wouldn't really make too much sense because nobody passes energy drinks around at parties. That would work better for a beer bottle or red party cup. We then had the idea that instead of a party setting, it could be a late night study session. This would fit the energy drink theme much better, and would allow us to maintain the theme of deterioration. Once planning about 10 shots, we had pretty much finished the story. This wasn't good, due to needing 15 shots in total for the project. Instead of using filler shots in between others, we had an idea that would expand the story as well as the theme. The Celsius would be thrown away after being used, and would find itself in the trash alone. However, just when it seems all hope is lost, another Celsius falls in. The two would talk about their similarities, and would find company with each other. This would evolve the theme from deterioration to finding your people, even when everything feels lost. It would also allow us to meet the shot requirement.
    I think the overall project was done fairly well, but there is always room for improvement. For example, I thought that we probably could've done some shots a little better, like making the Dutch angle a little more tilted than it was. I also think we could have communicated slightly better, since all of the shots were taken at my partner's house while I tried to give feedback through messages. It ended up working out, but it came close. We worked on about half of it the night it was assigned, and on the other half the day it was due. However, we started working on it much later than we should have on the second day, because we both were busy doing other things. This caused us to just barely submit on time, with a few minutes remaining before the deadline. It was definitely a learning experience that has taught me to communicate better and schedule times to mutually work on the project.

Below are the slides for the project:

Thursday, August 29, 2024


Hello everyone, my name is Max and this is my Aice Media Studies AS level blog. This blog will document my experience with what goes on in this class, as well as my progress in this field of study! Content on this blog will most likely consist of project progress and project reflections. There will probably be more variety than that but that is all I know about so far!

CCR Production Idea

    In this post I will finally share my idea for the CCR. I have been pretty excited to write out this idea, since it has been in my head f...